"...so let go...whatcha waiting for...we've no time for later now..."
frou frou :: let go
recently played:
[just for you whit...
hope you enjoy what you don't already have on your christmas playlist...]
otis redding :: white christmas
louis armstrong :: cool yule
sara bareilles & ingrid michaelson :: winter song
leon redbone & zooey deschanel :: baby, it's cold outside
leighton meester :: christmas (baby please come home)
colbie caillat :: mistletoe
lady gaga :: christmas tree
colbie caillat :: have yourself a merry little christmas
ivy :: christmas time is here
nat king cole :: the christmas song
india arie & stevie wonder :: the christmas song
louis armstrong :: 'zat you santa claus?
dmb :: christmas song
jack johnson :: rudolf the red-nosed reindeer
the weepies :: all that i want
leona naess :: christmas
charlie brown :: christmas time is here
ella fitzgerald :: winter wonderland
charles brown :: merry christmas, baby
norah jones :: peace
brandi carlile :: the heartache can wait
kt tunstale :: sleigh ride
fiona apple :: frosty the snowman
kate havenvik :: winter wonderland
meiko :: maybe next year (x-mas song)
regina spektor :: my dear acquaintance (a happy new year)
mick jagger & joss stone :: lonely without you (this christmas)
death cab :: the new year
coldplay :: have yourself a merry christmas
"...i suppose i think about love more than anyone really should. i am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. it was shakespeare who also said "love is blind". now that is something i know to be true. for some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. but then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. and then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. the one that almost kills its victims. its called unrequited love. of that i am an expert. most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. but what about the rest of us? what about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? we are the victims of the one sided affair. we are the cursed of the loved ones. we are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. the handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space!"
-- the holiday
^ one of my ABSOLUTE favorite movies. the holiday & love actually have both been satisfying my love for love & christmas & london. 17 more days. i've been thinking lately... if i get there and i'm as madly in love with that city as i believe that i will be then i'll be moving there. AFTER nyc of course. i have this sudden urge to spread my little wings and fly. far. far. away. i have nothing tying me down [minus my PEOPLE]. now is the time. i just wanna see and do so much it's hard for me to want to stay.
FUTURE residences:
1) birmingham
[ONLY if i decide to be/have to be practical]
2) NYC
3) london
4) nashville
NYE in london:

it grosses me out to see such class-less, poor sports. i have never been one to enjoy trash talking the opposing or defeated team. i have and will always be the fan that can sit next to a fan of the opposing team & proudly cheer on my team while letting them do the same w/o ever getting rowdy about it. it's so silly. i LOVE edamame! it's my new fave side item/after school snack. how some can be meat & potato people only i just don't understand. i'm really excited about the items on my dear santa list. he's going green & bling this year. LOVE.
this convo in season 3 [the big time] of SATC is SO completely true and it makes me giggle:
charlotte: sometimes you just know...with the right man. it's fate.
miranda: it's not fate, his light is on, that's all.
charlotte: what light?
miranda: men are like cabs, when they’re available their light goes on. they awake one day and decide they’re ready to settle down, have babies, whatever, and they turn their light on. the next woman they pickup, boom, that's the one they'll marry. it's not fate. it's dumb luck.
charlotte: i'm sorry, i refuse to believe that love is that random.
miranda: please, it's all about timing. you gotta get ‘em, when their light’s on.
carrie: most men i meet are flashing yellows.
miranda: or off duty. they can drive around for years picking up women and not be available.
carrie: then, they really shouldn't be allowed to get behind the wheel.
miranda: most men don't stay lit long before they take the plunge vs. most women who have been lit pretty much since birth.
"...there's a possibility...all that i had...was all i'm gonna get..."
lykke li :: possibility
please help me to understand why SOME people...
- TyPe LiKe ThiS?!?!
- feel the need to talk loudly through an entire movie disturbing others.
- are so self-absorbed.
[i DO NOT CARE about your days of our lives soap opera/on again-off again/high school relationship!!! SHUT UPPPP!! you are the most selfish person that i think that i have EVER met in my life. i feel sorry for you that you can't even see that. it must be tiring. come find me when you have something else to obsess about. kthanks.] - feel the need to make excuses.
[is it really that hard for you? you're another one... at least i have enough courage to put it out there...regardless of the possible outcome. i'm glad that i can look back and know that i did everything i could. you're not really living unless you're taking risks. some of the best things in life worth having involve taking the biggest risks. no regrets.] - drunk text/dial.
[i thought that i was past that bad habit. wrong.]
"...thank God...what a guy..."
miles davis :: autumn leaves
i am so incredibly blessed and thankful for...
a merciful & forgiving God.
my family.
[dysfunctional as they may be i love them dearly]
my A-M-A-Z-I-N-G friends.
[my 2nd family]
"harry" winston.
where i am in my life compared to where i was this time last year.
[i am SO much happier!]
and so many more things, but these are my tops.
"...maybe this mattress will spin on its axis and find me on yours..."
rob pattinson :: let me sign
snow patrol & martha wainright :: set the fire to the third bar
blue foundation :: eyes on fire
bon iver & st. vincent :: roslyn
"and so the lion fell in love with the lamb." -- e
new moon = wonderful. i prefer my ketchup @ room temp. i thought that making hand gestures in pictures was over, right? i don't like when people comment on wall posts vs responding back on the other person's wall. i'm just traditional though. apple cider & hot chocolate this time of year are my faves. song that describes me perfectly -- john mayer :: perfectly lonely. it's that time of year...when i become a hermit. the moment it gets super chilly outside my weekends consist of: movies + sweats + my love, harry OR bubblebaths + candles + a good book + a glass of wine. reading is sexy. ;)
dear santa,
i really enjoy driving fast/SUVs so i'd really LOVE it if this were under the tree @ christmas:
xoxo, c

- 500 hp @ 6,000 rpm
- 0-60 mph: 4.9 s
- Top Track Speed: 171 mph
"...who says i can't take time...who says i can't be free..."
the xx :: heart skipped a beat
mika :: i see you
zee avi :: bitter heart
john mayer :: who says
the fray :: never say never
robert pattinson :: i'll be your lover too
it's official. i'm addicted, and in love. and i'll be able to get my fix thursday @ midnight. :) i surrendered today and now...i'm hooked.
current lust:

i find him insanely sexy...from the unruly locks to his sultry voice. mmmm and the Lord said, "it is good!". oh. and another new addiction is milo's (splenda sweetened) tea. it's the south in a glass, but guilt-free. it's inevitable...i am in no way allowed to get attached to technology. we repel. i appreciate affection from the opposite sex. this weekend proved that there's no way i could ever end up with someone who isn't. i adore the human touch. plain and simple.
"...so lets just stay in the moment...drink some wine...the music's always good...just some picture perfect day...to last a whole lifetime...
currently listening to:
jay-z :: forever young
i find it hysterical and mind-boggling that i am everyone's dr. phil. what do i know? haha i haven't dated anyone in 4 years. sometimes going home is all you need to make everything better. running until you can barely feel your feet helps too. it's so freeing. it makes me giggle when harry snores. once again...people who post kissy pictures via FB gross me out. NO ONE wants to see that. kthanks. i am so thankful that i can HONESTLY say that i don't care anymore. it was too exhausting to care.
i LOVE my guy friends:
"the only advice i can give you tonight is to guard your heart and don't settle and become complacent." -- jp
"...i'm trippin' over you..."
mika :: i see you
i ♥ will & grace and weezy f. baby. i wish we had a fireplace. i prefer short, small forks. i love sweatshirts when it's cold outside. i want to walk hand-in-hand with someone special in central park. not dressing up like a skeez for halloween is more fun. i am a terror drunk. i shouldn't be allowed out of the house. my entire body STILL aches from this weekend. best/worst weekend. i LOVE kissing. i think it's the best thing EVARRRR. i want to go bowling. a man in true religions...g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s. best advice on guys from a guy: "TRY not to care and think too much about it." it's so much easier that way.
once again...repeat after me: let go, and let God.
TRUE happiness is in the Lord.
"...out of mind and outta sight..."
recently played:
anya marina :: satellite heart
alexi murdoch :: all my days
sia :: under the milky way
kid cudi (featuring MGMT & ratatat) :: pursuit of happiness
LMFAO & lil jon :: shots
"never take it seriously. if you never take it seriously...you never get hurt. if you never get hurt...you always have fun." -- almost famous
i'm obsessed with the new moon soundtrack. i love that it's cold enough outside to leave my windows open. minus the drunks that wander around the parking in the early am. i adore flannel. flannel pajama sets. flannel sheets. flannel (& plaid) button downs. halloween + 'dega all in one week!! oh my.
"...that's why i try to keep at bay..."
imogen heap :: half life
"at some point during almost every romantic comedy, the female lead suddenly trips and falls, stumbling helplessly over something ridiculous like a leaf, and then some matthew mcconaughey type either whips around the corner just in the nick of time to save her or is clumsily pulled down along with her. that event predictably leads to the magical moment of their first kiss. please. i fall ALL the time. you know who comes and gets me? the bouncer." -- chelsea handler
^ story of my liiiiiiiife. :)
"...this world keeps spinning faster..."
lady antebellum :: i run to you
i miss the pre-liking someone days.
there were no expectations.
so there was...
no disappointment.
no hopefulness.
no confusion.
no wondering.
it was just easier.
"...but what do they know?...they are crazy..."
zero 7 :: swing
rusted root :: send me on my way (will forever remind me of my best)
modest mouse :: the world @ large
manchester orchestra :: where have you been
band of horses :: no one's gonna love you
mine & lh's current theme song is KOL :: use somebody.
my heart is so full right now. my BEST is getting married!! martha kathleen pierce, love of my life, i am so incredibly happy that you have found your love and that you will be forever his. i can't wait to share this special time in your life with you. i knew that this moment would be taking place before the year ended so i've been wondering how i would react to the news. i couldn't form words. just tears. lots of them. it's so surreal. i love you baby girl. forever.
"the only things in life you regret are the risks you didn't take." so true. i'm just gonna take one. dive head first. and. whatever happens happens. good or bad. some of the best things in life worth having involve taking the biggest risks. i am a business major after all. we're supposed to be risk takers, right?
"...and i wonder...if everything could ever feel this real forever..."
foo fighters :: everlong
dave grohl=major lust + only man that i can think of off the top of my head that can pull off a full grown beard. it's NEVER just one drink. i LOATHE when people "apologize" by saying, "i'm sorry that what i did/said made you upset". it's basically another way of saying i'm not sorry for what i did/said...i'm just sorry that what i did/said bothered you. NOT an apology. good try though. i also despise when people who know NOTHING about situations throw in their 2 cents. didn't ask for your input. thanks though.
"...please come soon..."
maria taylor :: leap year
reasons why october couldn't get much better:
it's fall.
it feels like fall.
fall break.
the people in my life are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
SEC football.
red wine + sushi.
post secret.
harry will be living with me.
i get to see my mama and brother.
slumber parties.
memphis gets crossed off the bucket list.
"...in an empire state of mind..."
"...i can't help my stupid hope..."
^ puts me in the best mood. so i have a crush. on my teacher. i rent the weirdest movies. too often. (shopgirl) they draw me in with the music on the trailer. i can't help myself. i give up. too exhausting. let go and let God, right? i'm gonna really try that. i really need to see john mayer live. he's been singing me to sleep lately [where the light is : live in los angeles]. amazing.
i just enjoyed this:
"so check it out right. i've tried every approach to living. i've tried it all. i've not tried everything, but i've tried every approach. sometimes you have to try everything to get the approach the same. i've tried it all. i've bought a bunch of stuff. i went mmmm don't like that. i kinda came in and out of that a couple times. thought i would shut myself off. i thought maybe that's cool...and i'm in a good place...i'm 30. i've seen some cool stuff. made a lot of stuff happen for MYSELF. i've made a lot of stuff happen for myself, right? that's a really cool sentence when you're in your 20's. 'i made it happen for myself.' but all that means is that i've just somehow or another found a way to synthesize love. or synthesize soothing. you can't get that. and what i'm saying is i've tried all the approaches except for one and it's gonna sound really corny, but that's just LOVE. that's just LOVE. i've done everything in my life that i wanna do except just give and feel LOVE for my living. and i don't mean like roman candle, firework, hollywood, hot pink love...i mean like...i GOT YOUR BACK love...some of the people who will tell you they love you are the same people who are the LAST to have your back. so i'm gonna experiment with this love thing. giving love. feeling love. i know it sounds really corny, but it's the last thing i got to check out before i checkout." -- john mayer [bold as love (live)]
"...push me up against the wall...close your eyes and i'll kiss you..."
rhcp :: scar tissue
3 things (in no particular order) that i want:
a face grabbing, hard kiss.
to be told, "i like and want to be with you". bottom line.
to snuggle on the couch.
why am i the only one who hasn't been informed? i don't do well with assumptions. i have always been one who likes to KNOW. so tell me already... i love dark finger/toenails in the fall. i love tracking packages that i've ordered online. it makes me feel like a giddy child waiting on santa's arrival. (314): Dude wtf I'm sitting behind some girl in class who is creeping on my facebook page. I don't even know who she is...<- this is a prime example of why you should creep in the privacy of your own home. :) i just like to pretend i know things when in reality i have no clue...it just makes me feel better about the sitch. i want a small, really fast car like this one:
(preferably in the shade of obsidian with camel leather for the interior) kthanks.

i adore this:
anything with stripes/corset-esque paired with tights= :)
"...gonna leave this world for a while..."
john mayer :: free fallin' (live)
i'm ready to get out of this town for a weekend. i need a break from it. i want a boy to say that i put the color inside of his world. i want to run until i can't feel my legs anymore. too my bad my knees are out of commission. i have the most amazing bff that a girl could ever ask for. i can't wait to be her bed buddy tomorrow! pandora radio [james morrison station] makes my heart happy. i'm STILL in love with this commercial. i think that it is absolutely glorious.
"...i know you haven't made your mind up yet, but i would never do you wrong..."
adele :: to make you feel my love
redundant, but it's so true. i really just love that in life...it's all a big mystery. we don't know where it will lead us. it's what makes it so fun and exciting. i need to quit making out with the pavement. we have an awful relationship. i'm soooo confused. i want to see love happens sooo badly.
"...i'm ready now..."
[thanks to whit.]
imogen heap :: wait it out
scarlett johansson & pete yorn :: relator
tegan and sara :: call it off
chairlift :: bruises
current obsession/repeat:
i giggle about the fact that when i was younger i actually made myself a time line of events to take place in my future. oh how things actually turn out... and i love it. the beauty of it is that we don't know what's gonna happen or when it will. current predictions made by the bffs: 24 1/2 or 26 and 26 or 27. we shall see how accurate they are later. i adore destructive jeans and a man in a suit [most especially a man in a suit in church on sunday morning].
i'm ready.
take a leap of faith with me.
i will never be the girl that...
throws herself at a boy.
[regardless of how amazing he is]
uses makeup as war paint.
[it is to enhance the beauty that God has already given us]
thinks that i am better than ANYONE else because of my material possessions.
[or for any reason for that matter. we are all created equals]
current lusts:
"...'cause it's your life and it's no one else's, sweetheart...
currently listening to:
kate nash :: navy taxi
i LOVE zucchini and squash. and really just vegetables in general. i despise TRYING to coordinate anything involving a group. i've never understood why people can't just commit and stick to it. i guess that's what's wrong with the world. everyone is such a commitment phobe. whatevs. this is why i'm going to london by MYSELF. whenever i go to any kind of accounting function with school i feel like such a freakin' loser. i mean...it just worries me because i am not that person that was involved in everything. i was the one that was busy having playtime all of freshman and sophomore year and is currently strug-guh-lin to pull up my gpa and working all the time. i'm just like...umm...can i get my piece of paper please without you making me feel like a total failure for not finishing with a 4.0 or being SGA president. kthanks.
live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.
- mary anne radmacher
"...sweet disposition...oh reckless abandon..."
(500) days of summer soundtrack
i can just feel it. the rest of this year is going to be wonderful. i love love loved (500) days of summer. zooey deschanel is amazing/HYSTER!! the soundtrack is gloriousssss. it's this week's playlist. this time of year is one of my faves...football season is around the corner and new school supplies!! it bothers me that 2" and 3" 3-ring binders are very limited as far as color choices are concerned. i am a very scatter-brained/absent minded (whichever you prefer) individual. i get it honestly. i am my mother's daughter, and she was hers. for this reason...i HAVE to have one binder, and one only for all of my classes. hence the need for the 2"-3", cute colored 3-ring binder. i have had the same binder dividers for years. i love them, and refuse to get rid of them unless i find the exact same ones again. i'm a freak. but. at least i can admit it.
"...maybe i will tell you all about it when i'm in the mood..."
john mayer :: 3x5
i think that you have a VERY selective memory. you like to place gold stars by your name on your friend chart for all of your good friend deeds. you seem to forget what others have done for you, and you DEFINITELY like to (conveniently) forget what you do to others. you were very hurtful the other night. but i'm sure you've probably already forgotten about it. every time i think about you i can hear your hurtful words. the thing is...if i try to talk to you about it...you'll see it as confrontation and shut me out. so...i'm kind of like...do i even bother? is there really any point anymore?
"...i'm gonna get there soon..."
mat kearney :: closer to love
i am so incredibly blessed. God has given me amazing friends. true, real friends. i never realized just how blessed i was until i moved to tuscaloosa, and witnessed others' "friendships". i love my people. this has been the best birthday to date! i haven't been able to say this in a while, but i truly love my life. i am the happiest i have been in a long time. and i'm just so antsy to see what my future holds. ohh. and sushi for the first time in 5 months - orgasmic.
more lustage:
"...i just wanna burn up hard and bright..."
the features :: lions <- sooo hype!
david gray :: january rain
bon iver :: creature fear
bon iver :: the wolves
bon iver :: re: stacks
bon iver :: beach baby
bon iver :: blindsided
bon iver :: flume
ryan adams :: wildflowers
ryan adams :: firecracker
ryan adams :: so alive
ryan adams :: i see monsters
ryan adams :: miss sunflower
some people pay large sums of money to professionals for their therapy. i prefer music, driving long distances, releasing my thoughts/feelings via here, and retail. iceberg lettuce is so stupid. i hope that all of my new neighbs are cooler than the old ones. so overcast it might as well be raining + a down comforter + $1 movie rentals = pure bliss. some people feel sexiest in short dresses and heels. me...a tee and panties. i wish that i had insane funds in the bank...you'd never see me again...i'd live out of a suitcase and travel. some days i just wanna go. i'm having one of those moments.
"...boy what's up?..."
soulja boy :: turn my swag on
^ makes me sooo hype! i think it's really sad that in our society if a guy isn't humping everything in sight people automatically assume he is gay. so...i guess in my case...that would make me a lezzy? i hate half hugs, but i sometimes give them to people. it freaks me out when people wear socks with sandals. maybe it's because i was forced to when i was child.

2 reasons that reminded me why i don't watch the news: michael jackson and chris brown. so tired of hearing about it. kthanks. freakin' LOVE this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXKH5zgG8PA
"...and i wish i could tell you face to face...cause i was so nervous...but carried on regardless..."
kate nash :: we get on
^ her album is on repeat today.
so i did it. i broke THE rule. my mother has always insisted that boys chase you. i respect this advice and really do believe in it. but. sometimes rules need to be broken. and. i am so glad that i did. because...now...i know. no more wondering. and that relief of finally knowing is better than abiding by the rules. i really do try my best to be an open and honest person so when someone reciprocates that i really appreciate it. i really do. sometimes raw honesty (regardless of what the truth holds) is what is needed. so thank you.
"...i want to get on with getting on with things...
currently listening to:
imogen heap :: first train home
it's moments like right now when i miss my little harry the most. i wish he were here laying beside me on his side of the bed. (the right side)
you are the most confusing person i think that i have ever met. i cannot read you for the life of me. your actions (or lack thereof) and words can be interpreted to go either way. i wish you would just tell me. i don't know that i've ever possessed this much patience before. i wish that i wasn't so traditional...just this once. i wish that i could just tell you. so that way i could get a reaction and move on one way or another. because it's just exhausting constantly wondering. you just make me absolutely crazy.

"...i mean it...every word of it..."
this century :: to love and back
neil young :: harvest moon
empire of the sun :: walking on a dream
tool :: parabola
the blow :: true affection
the strokes :: someday
a perfect circle :: weak and powerless
my current stats teacher reminds me of doogie howser. but. in a not nearly as cute kind of way. it drives me insane when people say "heighth" instead of "height". it's lengTH and heighT. "heighth" is not a word. look it up. you won't find it. so it really is true that you don't genuinely appreciate certain aspects of life until they are taken away/(for whatever reason) you aren't able to experience them. when the only warm body laying next to you at night is a white, fluffy, 4-legged one you really start to miss the human touch. and while i love my little harry winston to death and there is nothing like an all-engulfing hug from your bff...there is just something to be said of snuggling with the opposite sex. i love it. it'd been so long that i had forgotten how good it really felt. and maybe that's why i've been single for so long. i really took stuff like that for granted when i had it. i am so much more appreciative of the little things and that rare moment when you encounter a good guy.
"...what's the point of holding on..."
death cab :: your new twin sized bed
i am absolutely heartbroken. i have to send my sweet little harry monster home. i know it'll be okay, but he's just my little baby. on a happier note... i love laying next to my bff and having pillow talk consist of her wedding plans. i love saks. for several reasons really.
1) it reminds me of my love, nyc.
2) just about any designer denim that you could want at your fingertips
3) their playlist consists of postal service. and lots of it.
i'm trying my best to be practical...but...it's just so not as cool. i want so badly to be in nyc for grad school, but it just doesn't make much sense when there's an $18K diff PER semester. bah. so...practicality wins. lame. it's looking like i'll be staying in the south for another year. maybe birmingham or atlanta? i'm just tired of living in a small, college town. "love ya" grosses me out to the core. seriously? just don't. that's how i signed my yearbook in 5th grade. if you can't spell it out i-l-o-v-e-y-o-u don't bother. otherwise it's lame and insincere. kthanks.
current crave :: a 16 oz freezing cold, draft beer accompanied by a stadium dog and baked, sweet potato fries
"...it took me a really long time to get here, but i'm here..."
sex and the city :: season 6 part two :: an american girl in paris [part deux]
it will all be over with tomorrow at 4:30. thank goodness. i am sooo over school today. i am so ready to be done with it all really. i'm not quite ready to be out in the real world just yet, but i am more than ready to be done with all the sleepless nights from late night studying. most especially when you feel like it was a complete waste of time. one final down. one to go. nothing makes a bad day better than spending an hour at the gym letting go of frustrations, sex and the city, diet mountain dew, pot roast [even if it does come prepared in a plastic, microwaveable dish], and a comfy bed. i have got to quit window shopping. but i can't help it...
"...everywhere i'm looking..."
beyoncé :: halo
so i re-located again. whatevs. i'm so grossed out by girls that can't spend time with just their friends. can you really not leave him at home for two hours to hang out with your friend? lame dude. LOVED transformers and the proposal. romantic comedies and action movies are my faves. sometimes i worry that any romantic movie is not good for my realistic expectations though. it's also not good to listen to onerepublic :: won't stop after them. i'm so pissed that jillian picked wes over michael this week on the bachelorette. idiotttt. i LOVED him. but. i'm so glad ed is back. i'm so lusty over him. i'm a plain jane, original glazed krispy kreme kind of girl. i was excited to find out today that they are only 200 calories each instead of the 500+ that i thought they were. they will always be a guilty pleasure of mine. :)
current lusts:


they are the epitome of a fabulous new years dress.
to me anyway.
i love sparkly dresses for new years.
i don't know which one i like best though. (i think the second one)
new years in parisssssssssssssss!! i CANNOT wait!
i tell myself to get over it, and to move along.
i do.
and then.
you come around and everything reminds me of you.
any progress i was making regresses.
i hate it.
songs that make me think of you:
kate nash :: nicest thing
imogen heap :: goodnight and go (chorus)
citizen cope featuring santana :: sideways (chorus)