
"...there's a possibility...all that i had...was all i'm gonna get..."

currently listening to:
lykke li :: possibility

please help me to understand why SOME people...
  • TyPe LiKe ThiS?!?!
  • feel the need to talk loudly through an entire movie disturbing others.
  • are so self-absorbed.
    [i DO NOT CARE about your days of our lives soap opera/on again-off again/high school relationship!!! SHUT UPPPP!! you are the most selfish person that i think that i have EVER met in my life. i feel sorry for you that you can't even see that. it must be tiring. come find me when you have something else to obsess about. kthanks.]
  • feel the need to make excuses.
    [is it really that hard for you? you're another one... at least i have enough courage to put it out there...regardless of the possible outcome. i'm glad that i can look back and know that i did everything i could. you're not really living unless you're taking risks. some of the best things in life worth having involve taking the biggest risks. no regrets.]
  • drunk text/dial.
    [i thought that i was past that bad habit. wrong.]


"...thank God...what a guy..."

currently listening to:
miles davis :: autumn leaves

i am so incredibly blessed and thankful for...

a merciful & forgiving God.
my family.
[dysfunctional as they may be i love them dearly]
my A-M-A-Z-I-N-G friends.
[my 2nd family]
"harry" winston.
where i am in my life compared to where i was this time last year.
[i am SO much happier!]
and so many more things, but these are my tops.


"...maybe this mattress will spin on its axis and find me on yours..."

current repeats:
john mayer :: edge of desire
rob pattinson :: let me sign
snow patrol & martha wainright :: set the fire to the third bar
blue foundation :: eyes on fire
bon iver & st. vincent :: roslyn

"and so the lion fell in love with the lamb." -- e

new moon = wonderful. i prefer my ketchup @ room temp. i thought that making hand gestures in pictures was over, right? i don't like when people comment on wall posts vs responding back on the other person's wall. i'm just traditional though. apple cider & hot chocolate this time of year are my faves. song that describes me perfectly -- john mayer :: perfectly lonely. it's that time of year...when i become a hermit. the moment it gets super chilly outside my weekends consist of: movies + sweats + my love, harry OR bubblebaths + candles + a good book + a glass of wine. reading is sexy. ;)

dear santa,
i really enjoy driving fast/SUVs so i'd really LOVE it if this were under the tree @ christmas:
xoxo, c

  • 500 hp @ 6,000 rpm
  • 0-60 mph: 4.9 s
  • Top Track Speed: 171 mph


"...who says i can't take time...who says i can't be free..."

recently played:
the xx :: heart skipped a beat
mika :: i see you
zee avi :: bitter heart
john mayer :: who says
the fray :: never say never
robert pattinson :: i'll be your lover too

it's official. i'm addicted, and in love. and i'll be able to get my fix thursday @ midnight. :) i surrendered today and now...i'm hooked.

current lust:

i find him insanely sexy...from the unruly locks to his sultry voice. mmmm and the Lord said, "it is good!". oh. and another new addiction is milo's (splenda sweetened) tea. it's the south in a glass, but guilt-free. it's inevitable...i am in no way allowed to get attached to technology. we repel. i appreciate affection from the opposite sex. this weekend proved that there's no way i could ever end up with someone who isn't. i adore the human touch. plain and simple.


"...so lets just stay in the moment...drink some wine...the music's always good...just some picture perfect day...to last a whole lifetime...

...and it never ends..."

currently listening to:
jay-z :: forever young

i find it hysterical and mind-boggling that i am everyone's dr. phil. what do i know? haha i haven't dated anyone in 4 years. sometimes going home is all you need to make everything better. running until you can barely feel your feet helps too. it's so freeing. it makes me giggle when harry snores. once again...people who post kissy pictures via FB gross me out. NO ONE wants to see that. kthanks. i am so thankful that i can HONESTLY say that i don't care anymore. it was too exhausting to care.
i LOVE my guy friends:
"the only advice i can give you tonight is to guard your heart and don't settle and become complacent." -- jp


"...i'm trippin' over you..."

currently listening to:
mika :: i see you

i ♥ will & grace and weezy f. baby. i wish we had a fireplace. i prefer short, small forks. i love sweatshirts when it's cold outside. i want to walk hand-in-hand with someone special in central park. not dressing up like a skeez for halloween is more fun. i am a terror drunk. i shouldn't be allowed out of the house. my entire body STILL aches from this weekend. best/worst weekend. i LOVE kissing. i think it's the best thing EVARRRR. i want to go bowling. a man in true religions...g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s. best advice on guys from a guy: "TRY not to care and think too much about it." it's so much easier that way.
once again...repeat after me: let go, and let God.
TRUE happiness is in the Lord.