
"...and then a kiss...maybe another...and another one..."

currently listening to:
imogen heap :: between sheets

it's funny...because i consider myself to be an optimistic person, but lately i've been looking at things from a glass half-empty perspective. it's hard sometimes to be hopeful. i keep waiting for the bottom to drop out. you know...when things are just too good to be true. makes you wonder how long it will last. i'm happy. really happy. a lot of areas in my life are changing right now, and it's exciting and scary all at the same time.
God's timing makes me smirk. He's been testing my patience in certain areas of my life. one area in particular was tested during wedding palooza 2010. my mother constantly told me to continue to be patient...that God was taking His time picking the perfect one for me. (she is so good to me.) it was never about the marriages, but seeing that love constantly reminded me that i didn't have that in my life.
i've always told myself that the things that are truly worth having and experiencing in life require you to dive in head first not knowing what will happen next. the unknown is the part that's so incredibly exciting and so scary. but that's the thing...you'll never know if you hold back.
i don't know what's going to happen, but i will say that i'm the happiest that i've been in a long time.
i'm just going to enjoy everything and live in the moment.