"...i'm not calling you a liar...just don't lie to me..."
florence + the machine :: i'm not calling you a liar
lil wayne :: marvin's room
tegan and sara :: call it off
i. am. over. it.
i'm not even going to pretend to try to understand people anymore.
say what you mean and mean what you say. period. otherwise...save your breath.
the end.
"...the f is for "forget it"..."
lil wayne :: hands up
rihanna :: we found love
david guetta featuring usher :: without you
chris brown featuring justin beiber :: next to you
drake featuring rihanna :: take care
lil wayne :: sure thing
snow patrol :: just say yes
"i like moving slow. i like being weird and taking my time... i don't just jump into the potato sack with the first potato that i meet..." -- zooey deschanel aka jess [new girl]
my bestie sent me this article and i L-O-V-E IT:
[sofi papamarko]
In a HuffPost article that went mega-viral, television writer Tracy McMillan detailed the reasons she believes single women aren't yet married.
In "Why You're Not Married," McMillan insists that single women are not married (holy matrimony being the ultimate brass ring of womanhood, apparently) because we fall into one or all of the following categories:
1) You're a Bitch
2) You're Shallow
3) You're a "Slut"
4) You're a Liar
5) You're Selfish
6) You're Not Good Enough
McMillan fancies herself a bit of an expert, in that she has been married three times and brags that she was "born knowing how to get married." It is worth pointing out that McMillan has been divorced just as many times. So while she is certainly an expert in the field of getting hitched, McMillan is not very good at maintaining such a blissful state. Which is sort of the point, I think.
Having never been married, I humbly suggest that you should all pay attention to me instead of McMillan; I haven't married the wrong guy even one time.
McMillan's article stems from a larger problem; the assumption in the media and popular culture that single women are doing something wrong.
I would argue that we are actually doing everything right.
Here are the six real reasons why you, dear female reader, are not married (assuming you even want to be):
1) You're Patient
They say that good things come to those who wait. You're extremely wary about rushing down the aisle to the quickening rhythm of your biological clock. If you have to wait years for the right guy to come along, you will. Hell, you've waited this long.
2) You're Confident
We've all seen it, and it is sad. Women with low self-worth tend to latch onto inappropriate men. They're reluctant to get out of mediocre or even bad relationships because they're worried that they'll never find anyone else who'll love them. You, single lady, are independent, self-sufficient and don't require male validation in order to function day-to-day. You've long since realized that you're more than enough on your own.
3) You're Beautiful
In Mark Gimein's "The Eligible-Bachelor Paradox," he suggests that beautiful women -- confident that they have game -- hold out for something great for a longer period of time because they know they can. It is the less attractive females -- those with fewer chips with which to bet, as he puts it -- who "bid decisively," aggressively latching onto whoever will take them. (No offense, married ladies! I'm sure most of you wed for true love instead of out of quiet desperation.)
4) You 're Successful
Some men are intimidated by successful women, but the right guy will be in awe of all of your accomplishments. Don't downplay all that you've built for yourself. Don't mute or muffle all that you are.
5) You Won't Accept Anything Less Than You Deserve
You've ended relationships that potentially could have led to marriage because he did not treat you with the attentiveness, tenderness and/or respect that you justly deserve. Everyone is better off alone than in a relationship like that.
6) You Know What You Want
McMillan suggests that single women are too picky -- find a man of character and lock him down! Character is key, but there are so many other factors necessary in a successful partnership. Connection. Friendship. Compatibility. Chemistry. McMillan dismisses the need for sexual attraction as shallow, but it's clearly essential.
Sloane Crosley put it best, "Husbands are like tattoos -- you should wait until you come across something you want on your body for the rest of your life..."
The world should stand back admire single women instead of perpetually trying to fix us or fix us up. We're smart enough to know that Prince Charming is the stuff of silly fairytales, but we're definitely going to hold out for a hero.
SO SO SO ready for this!!!!:8.30.2011
"...long as i'm with you it really don't matter..."
recently played:
cross canadian ragweed :: boys from oklahoma
t. pain's "booty wurk" is my lunge jam.
i know that women are dubbed confusing and complex creatures. i won't deny it, but men are right there with us.
chelsea loathes body hair too. just another reason why i love her:
"i hate hair. i hate ****ing hair. like i see and like i sit there and i just shave all day long. i have these little razors up in my office, and when i'm bored i just take all the hair any hair that i see. i just don't like it. even if it's blonde, brown...i don't care. it could be tie dyed...i want it OFF." -- chelsea handler
lusty list:

this video makes me happy:
"...most of y'all don't get the picture 'less the flash is on..."
lil wayne [featuring cory gunz] :: 6 foot 7 foot
brad paisley & carrie underwood :: remind me
lady antebellum :: just a kiss
happy birthday to me! ready for these beauties to be in my mail box:

- weezy f. baby
- frozen, lite cool whip
- roasted, dark cocoa almonds
"...boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away..."
nicki minaj :: super bass
edward maya :: this is my life
flo rida :: turn around
gym class heroes featuring adam lavine :: stereo hearts
"...might as well face it..."
florence + the machine :: addicted to love
"...i wish i knew you well..."
the one thing i hate the VERY most about bedtime is taking off my makeup. for me, i dread having to do it like i dreaded having to brush my teeth as a child. i SO wish that God had wired men and women a little bit more like one another. we seriously are from two different planets. at least it seems that way to me sometimes. i just don't get 'em. whatsoever.
new fave snack: chilton county peaches and cottage cheese.
i absolute loathe old man, short-sleeved button downs. disgust.
example of how lame they look:
i read this, loved, and find it very true:
"Most passionate travelers are risk-takers in many areas of life. They're drawn not only to unknown lands but also to taking chances with their investment portfolios. However, their risk-taking is rational; it's based on a deep sense that they control their destiny. They enjoy life, love to play, and gravitate towards crowds and parties."
oh hey lover. i want/"need" you:

"...she don't care what any man say..."
mumford & sons :: little lion man
oh land :: we turn it up
david guetta [featuring kid cudi] :: memories
the same goes for people who just think that because a man and a woman are both single that they should be set up...WRONG! it drives me crazy!! i just want to say...look...if it came down to just having a boyfriend i could and would have one. i'm not in a relationship because i'm choosey. why am i gonna hold out for this long just to end up with someone that is subpar?? i'm good. thanks. oh. and i am TWENTY-FREAKING-FOUR. JUST BECAUSE I AM NOT MARRIED DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT'S TIME TO SIGN UP ON MATCH.COM OR ANY OTHER DATING SITE!!!!!! heard? oh em gee. it's absolutely INFURIATING! i realize that i live in the south, but not all us feel the need to be married straight out of college at the ripe age of 22.
i've never been big on breakfast until recently. i'm obsessed. not so much with breakfast food (although it's definitely moving up the big girl list of lusts), but just really enjoying my breakfast. at my own pace. starting the day off slowly. i wake up early just so that i can take my time eating it and i even save my shows to be watched during breakfast time. just another weird little quirk to add to the list... every time my lease is close to ending my inner free spirit goes wild. the possibilities are just endless and i get so excited thinking about them all!! i'm obsessed with looking at people's wedding registries. i just like to see the things that they want. i guess it's part of my nosy nature. :)
current adorations:
hello 2011 birthday dress...

"...and the days blur into one..."
radical face :: welcome home
hey pretties...
i "need" you all in my life...

[my reviews]
- facelogic
[if you're in birmingham & need anything waxed. i'm a fan. for sure.]
- water for elephants.
[SO good & my man was lookin' right]
"..french kiss, italian ice, spanish moss in the moonlight..."
brad paisley :: american saturday night
i'm currently in the process of trying to create good habits. good habit #1 - flossing daily. after the bib i wore for my cleaning at the dentist's looked like a massacre had taken place on it i decided right then that it was WAY past time to start flossing on the reg. she didn't even have to shame me into it. good habit #2 - not turning to food for comfort, but heading to the gym instead to relieve frustration. this one is extremely difficult because food has always been my go to in general but especially when i'm upset. it's comforting at first, but the next day i wake up and am so disappointed in myself for giving into it.
SO SO SO ready for this:
[and i adore that florence + the machine's "cosmic love" plays on some of the previews]
"...the world had less color without you..."
currently listening to:
i do not understand...
- girls over the age of 10 who still participate in pageants.
- balance bracelets or those other livestrong type bracelets.
- guys that wear wife beaters or graphic tees.
- arrogance.
[it is SO terribly unattractive and makes me want to vom.] - people with a skewed sense of reality.
- people that are all talk and no action.
[save your breath.]
- why the tank+flowy skirt dress or ANYTHING resembling it is STILL being worn.
[i'm just SO incredibly tired of seeing it. sorry.]
a few adorations...
- pairing turquoise & royal blue/cobalt together.
- rob pattinson's voice. well him in general. but his voice is SO sexy.
one of my faves of his ["i'll be your lover too"]:
"...you're so hypnotizing..."
i believe in all natural, but i completely contradict this with finding nothing wrong with certain cosmetic surgeries and body waxing. body hair shouldn't be left as is. ever. ugh. i say this all the time, but i will NEVER understand why it is so incredibly difficult for some people to smile or to say please and thank you. i adore the grandmother from spanglish. i'd forgotten how absolutely hyster she is!
rules are rules for a reason. i am glad that i have given myself certain rules that i must follow (especially those concerning the male gender), but sometimes it is SO i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-y FRUSTRATINGGGGG to follow them. bahhhhhh. strugglinggggggg. another thing that really frustrates me is having a convo via text that is entirely too long to have.
i want to go to a water park and stay from open until close. reading a good book and sunbathing on the beach next to my best is the best.
i completely agree with and adore olivia wilde's response on what makes the perfect leading man?: “they have to have a sense of humor and humility. you really have to have a sense of humor; it’s so important."
i think it's so incredibly boring to wear a nude bra if your shirt is even the slightest bit sheer. call me trashy, but you won't catch me doing it. instyle even backed me up saying that the more sheer it is the fancier the undergarments should be. chels knows what's up too:

movies i want to see:
something borrowed.
[LOVE this book!]
friends with benefits.
bad teacher.