currently listening to:
incubus :: mexico
incubus :: mexico
i'd forgotten how great they are. ^
uh-may-zing makeout sesh. check. best one in a LONG time. i'm still sportin' the koolaid 'stache 9 hours later. mmmm. i love the unexpected.
it's so crazy to me how someone can be such a big part of your life for a period of time and then one day they aren't anymore.
i'm not one of those that likes the seasonal, window stick on decorations, but i thoroughly enjoy getting seasonal dish towels & door mats. or just fun little prints. especially if they come from anthropologie. :)
for instance...
yes, they are overpriced but i LOVE them and don't care.

i LOVE dragonflies.
[yes, kp i secretly wish that i had been a chi-o. ha]

i prefer plain white, viva paper towels UNLESS they are a really cute print (which they rarely are). my three favorite band-aids (or plasters as they are referred to in the uk ;) are 1) curious george 2) hello kitty 3) neon colored (only for the bigger boo boos).
i feel so bad A. i am once again part of the keyless entry club!! i've been without it for 4 years. this should be an indicator of how sad my little life is. i'm super pumped about my keyless entry working again. ha
excuses get on my ever-loving nerves. ESPECIALLY lame ones. [see above lyrics] if i ever give you one please slap me.
song that makes me insanely hype: santigold :: creator
men in linen pants...gloriousssssssssss. men in wife beaters...mmm...not so much.
example of why i am the "special" child that i am [email between my mother and me]:
ohh, and tell the easter bunny that instead of candy i sure would love to get new moon from him. :)
the mama:'re saying you're trading candy for eye candy?? Smart choice, I'd say.uh-may-zing makeout sesh. check. best one in a LONG time. i'm still sportin' the koolaid 'stache 9 hours later. mmmm. i love the unexpected.
it's so crazy to me how someone can be such a big part of your life for a period of time and then one day they aren't anymore.
i'm not one of those that likes the seasonal, window stick on decorations, but i thoroughly enjoy getting seasonal dish towels & door mats. or just fun little prints. especially if they come from anthropologie. :)
for instance...
yes, they are overpriced but i LOVE them and don't care.
i LOVE dragonflies.
[yes, kp i secretly wish that i had been a chi-o. ha]
i prefer plain white, viva paper towels UNLESS they are a really cute print (which they rarely are). my three favorite band-aids (or plasters as they are referred to in the uk ;) are 1) curious george 2) hello kitty 3) neon colored (only for the bigger boo boos).
i feel so bad A. i am once again part of the keyless entry club!! i've been without it for 4 years. this should be an indicator of how sad my little life is. i'm super pumped about my keyless entry working again. ha
excuses get on my ever-loving nerves. ESPECIALLY lame ones. [see above lyrics] if i ever give you one please slap me.
song that makes me insanely hype: santigold :: creator
men in linen pants...gloriousssssssssss. men in wife beaters...mmm...not so much.
example of why i am the "special" child that i am [email between my mother and me]:
ohh, and tell the easter bunny that instead of candy i sure would love to get new moon from him. :)
the mama:
i love how i experienced a lot of the things you mentioned in your blog with you. :)