recently played:
akon :: sexy bitch
sia :: bring night
edward maya :: stereo love
sia :: bring night
edward maya :: stereo love
for valentine's day i...
am self-indulgent, and buy myself something fancy or simply treat myself.
[this year: i'm going to get myself a mani + pedi and MAYBE these beauties also:

watch a girly movie or movies.
eat lots of sweets [in any form really...]
[this year: in lieu of chocolate/cookies/ice cream i will have a protein bar
MAYBE a single. for real. ONLY 1 (110 calories) serving of these LEGIT blessings that my bestie introduced me to:

if i wasn't TRYING to get sjp's/jenn anniston's hot bod for swimsuit season...
i'd be spending quality time with these HEAVENLY friends of mine:

i think that it's so important to encourage your significant other to do and be their best. one area i feel that is often overlooked is fitness (after i list my top big girl faves haha). it's so easy to get "comfortable" and just sort of let yourself go. while i do think that if you truly love someone you should love them regardless if they put on a few, but at the same time why wouldn't you want to be your best self for the one you care about/love? wait. no. even MORE importantly...why wouldn't you want to be your best for you? anywayyy...i just think that it's sexy when couples work out/exercise in general together which is also why i just LOVED this link:
i'm excited about the goodies that i'm sending to my valentines this year. :)
X's & O's cheesecake cookies

chocolate sugar cookies.

terms of endearment that i'm not a fan of so much:
sweetie. dear. babe. hun.
i just love this commercial! i'll probably end up resorting to this website one day so i should probably bookmark it...
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