
"...the world had less color without you..."

currently listening to:

landon pigg & lucy schwartz :: darling i do

i do not understand...

  • girls over the age of 10 who still participate in pageants.

  • balance bracelets or those other livestrong type bracelets.

  • guys that wear wife beaters or graphic tees.

  • arrogance.
    [it is SO terribly unattractive and makes me want to vom.]

  • people with a skewed sense of reality.
  • people that are all talk and no action.
    [save your breath.]
  • why the tank+flowy skirt dress or ANYTHING resembling it is STILL being worn.
    [i'm just SO incredibly tired of seeing it. sorry.]

a few adorations...

  • pairing turquoise & royal blue/cobalt together.
  • rob pattinson's voice. well him in general. but his voice is SO sexy.
    one of my faves of his ["i'll be your lover too"]:

  • this dress:
    [i'm not big on bows, but this just does it for me]


"...you're so hypnotizing..."

currently listening to:
katy perry (featuring kanye west) :: e.t.

i believe in all natural, but i completely contradict this with finding nothing wrong with certain cosmetic surgeries and body waxing. body hair shouldn't be left as is. ever. ugh. i say this all the time, but i will NEVER understand why it is so incredibly difficult for some people to smile or to say please and thank you. i adore the grandmother from spanglish. i'd forgotten how absolutely hyster she is!
rules are rules for a reason. i am glad that i have given myself certain rules that i must follow (especially those concerning the male gender), but sometimes it is SO i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-y FRUSTRATINGGGGG to follow them. bahhhhhh. strugglinggggggg. another thing that really frustrates me is having a convo via text that is entirely too long to have.
i want to go to a water park and stay from open until close. reading a good book and sunbathing on the beach next to my best is the best.
i completely agree with and adore olivia wilde's response on what makes the perfect leading man?: “they have to have a sense of humor and humility. you really have to have a sense of humor; it’s so important."
i think it's so incredibly boring to wear a nude bra if your shirt is even the slightest bit sheer. call me trashy, but you won't catch me doing it. instyle even backed me up saying that the more sheer it is the fancier the undergarments should be. chels knows what's up too:

movies i want to see:

something borrowed.
[LOVE this book!]

friends with benefits.

bad teacher.



"...you and me together...nothing is better..."

today's repeat:
adele :: set fire to the rain
[i am so obsessed with her voice.]

current obsessions:
  • beef jerky
  • sugar free bread & butter pickles
  • muscle milk light bar (vanilla toffee crunch)

current big girl cravings:
  • curious george & strawberry fields forever cupcakes from dreamcakes
  • a RIDICULOUSLY large & in charge breakfast from another broken egg including a banana's foster pancake, a blueberry pancake, scrambled eggs, cheese grits, sausage, and mimosas
  • bread pudding pancakes from edgar's

i admit it. i have a problem. i am addicted to online shopping. it's just TOO convenient (even though the majority of my fave stores are less than a mile from my house). lust is just a quick click away. my current compulsive purchases include bathing suits. after SEV-ER-AL (10 to be precise + a few extra tops to compare colors/styles) purchases AND returns my final choices for 2011's swimsuits are (if ONLY the bangin' bods came with) :